MakerSpaces have been one of hot topics in the library world for some time now. More and more libraries provide opportunities for people to gather together and learn, discuss, discover, test and create. They can be called MakerSpace, Library Lab, Incubator, HackerSpace or something else. The activities can be anything from programming to repairing bicycles, from DIY woodwork to crocheting. Especially for children and young adults, they are places for collaborative learning, developing and exploring one’s interests. Key words are participating, sharing and working together.

IFLA Section Libraries for Children and Young Adults has asked the library community to share their experiences on providing spaces, tools and activities for children’s and young adults’ MakerSpaces. Here are some of the results from around the world. Previously Newsletter, nowadays online articles.

Jennifer Velasquez’s article is a good introduction to the topic: what kind of planning and strategy are necessary to set up a MakerSpace? What should be taken into consideration? More practical examples are focusing a small rural library in Australia, Romania – with both tech and non-tech activities – and Norway, where the concept of MakerSpaces will be spread around the area. When it comes to the core of MakerSpaces, such as 3D printing, programming and media tools, we present the innovative facilities of several libraries – see for yourself.

I encourage other libraries to participate on this topic: you’re welcome to write about your MakerSpace experiences, ideas or challenges on our Section Facebook page or mailing list. Let us know what is going on in your library!

As the editor of these articles, it has been (once more) a pleasure to see the amount of innovation, enthusiasm and dedication librarians have for their work, providing the best possible facilites and programmes for young patrons. So please benchmark freely! No matter what your resources are, there are always some tips to use from other libraries’ stories.

Best regards, keep up the good work

Ulla Potsonen

Ulla Pötsönen

Information Coordinator

IFLA Section Libraries for Children and Young Adults