Out Now: June 2020 issue of IFLA Journal
17 July 2020
IFLA Journal is an international journal publishing peer reviewed articles on library and information services and the social, political and economic issues that impact access to information through libraries.
The Journal publishes research, case studies and essays that reflect the broad spectrum of the profession internationally.
Volume 46, No.2 (June 2020)
Special Issue: Information literacy: From practice to research and back again
Guest Editors: Gaby Haddow and Min Chou
Information literacy: From practice to research and back again 105
Gaby Haddow and Min Chou
Knowledge visualization and mapping of information literacy, 1975–2018 107
Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha
Refining information literacy practice: Examining the foundations of information literacy theory 124
Michael Flierl and Clarence Maybee
Theory into practice: Challenges and implications for information literacy teaching 133
Deborah Schachter
Playful learning for information literacy development 143
Andrew Walsh
Curating knowledge, creating change: University Knowledge Center, Kosovo national transition 151
Mary M. Somerville, Anita Mirjamdotter, Edmond Harjizi, Elham Sayyad-Abdi, Michele Gibney, Christine Bruce and Ian Stoodley
Adult learning theories and autoethnography: Informing the practice of information literacy 163
Karen Bordonaro
Studying visual literacy: Research methods and the use of visual evidence 172
Krystyna K. Matusiak
Abstracts 182
IFLA Journal is an international journal publishing peer reviewed articles on library and information services and the social, political and economic issues that impact access to information through libraries. The Journal publishes research, case studies and essays that reflect the broad spectrum of the profession internationally. IFLA Journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
To submit an article please visit IFLA Journal on the SAGE platform.
- Editor: Steven W. Witt
- Frequency: Quarterly
- ISSN: 0340-0352
- eISSN: 1745-2651
- List of previous issues
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