Planning for the future of knowledge and information in Asia-Oceania
07 May 2024
Dear Colleagues
I’m really excited to be bringing a major IFLA event to our region after six years. The IFLA Information Futures Summit (IIFS) will take place in my hometown, Brisbane (Australia), from 30 September to 3 October 2024.
Within the Asia-Oceania region, we have a lot to be proud of in the work of colleagues. We are where some of the most innovative, exciting initiatives in the global library field are taking place, ranging from applications of the latest technology to finding ways to offer library services in the face of challenges.
There is so much to share with the global library field, and so much to contribute to the discussion about how we can respond to, and engage with trends in the knowledge and information environment.
This is exactly what we’re hoping to do at the Summit.
Many of you will be familiar with what IFLA Congresses look like, from our ones in Singapore in 2013, Kuala Lumpur in 2018, or elsewhere. Some may have attended our President’s meetings.
The Summit is different to these, and draws on elements of each, while adding new ideas that we are keen to try out as we think more broadly about IFLA’s model for congresses going forwards.
Crucially, the Summit is open to all. Regardless of where you are based, your career stage, or the type of library or library organisation you work in – I encourage you to attend. As I underlined when I chose my presidential theme, we are ‘stronger together’!
It is a very different type of programme what you may be familiar with from our congresses, built around exciting and expert speakers, coming from both inside and outside of the library field. I am particularly happy to welcome colleagues Ng Cher Pong and Gene Tan from the National Library Board of Singapore.
The plan is that rather than lots of separate conversations, we can really all come together around a few key ones – the impact of AI, how to provide for social justice in a digital age, how we update practices in working with heritage, how we can play a much more active role in giving access to books.
To do this, we will be combining keynote speeches with more open sessions. Creating opportunities to dig into the issues, to speak up, and to make sure that everyone goes away with ideas and insights that you can use at home!
Bringing this all together will be our 2024 Trend Report, currently being prepared by well-renowned experts at the Queensland University of Technology. Alongside IFLA’s new Strategy, it will be one of the key publications launched at the Summit.
The Summit promises to be an opportunity not just to help plan for the future of the library field as a whole, but a stimulating and practical learning and development opportunity for all participating.
So if you haven’t already, make sure that you mark the dates and register before our early bird rate ends on 1 June 2024. Contribute your ideas, take away ideas and insights that you can apply, and be part of the community of associations, institutions and professionals meeting in Brisbane!
Kind regards,
Vicki McDonald
IFLA President 2023-2025