The Section on Library and Research Services for Parliaments held its 31st pre-conference in Cape Town, 12-13 August, 2015, hosted by the Parliament of South Africa. The theme of the pre-conference was Development, Transformation and Cooperation in Library and Research Services in Parliaments.  Following the pre-conference, a workshop was held on August 14 to discuss the content of the Guidelines for Parliamentary Research Services, a publication produced jointly by IFLA and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). Workshop participants were invited to discuss four questions illustrating the considerations explored in the Guidelines.  Highlights from the conversations were captured and are now available in English and French on the 2015 Pre-Conference event page, along with papers and presentations of the pre-conference.


  • List of the papers and presentations at the 2015 IFLAPARL Pre-Conference, Cape Town, 12-14 August, 2015 (includes Workshop highlights) 
  • Highlights of the Workshop on Guidelines for Parliamentary Research Services,  14 August 2015 in | EnglishFrench |