Public Libraries ‘Guest Blogger’ series
07 October 2015
The first of the Public Libraries Section's 'Guest Blogger' posts appears on the PLS blog today, this time by Public Libraries Standing Committee member, Torbjörn Nilsson who writes about the "reading Holiday' initiative in Sweden.
IFLA's Public Libraries Standing Committee boasts 23 members from 19 countries ans 6 continents – quite a network of knowledge and influence! As a way of capturing this and developing a picture of what's happening in the public library environment world-wide the Public Libraries Section introduces the 'Guest Blogger' series. Each month one of our members will write on issues dear to their heart. This is addition to regular posts from the section.
Our first blogger is Torbjörn Nilsson, Library Director at the beautiful Malmo Public Library in Sweden. Read what he has to say on our blog and subscribe to keep up to date with his future musings and those of other members.