Report of IFLA Governing Board meetings, Jan – April 2021
30 April 2021
The Governing Board continues to meet more regularly than in the past and has had four meetings since my last report to you in December 2020. We are still working with the traditional pattern of August – December – April meetings containing the major reports on activities and statutory requirements.
The main item for the January meeting was the approval of the new IFLA Rules of Procedure. Together with the new IFLA Statutes, the new Rules of Procedure will enter into full force following the 25 August General Assembly. The Governing Board acknowledges the significant work done by Martyn Wade, IFLA’s parliamentarian to achieve this. The meeting also approved the updated Honours and Awards process to make it more inclusive and transparent.
At the February meeting the board approved the work plan for 2021 which sets out the priorities and tasks for the year. The Board recognises the challenging environment we are all working in and asked the Secretary General to focus on three things – hosting a successful virtual congress in August, implementing the new structure and going live with the new website.
At the March meeting there were a number of decisions made regarding WLIC 2021 including the approval to appoint Delegate Connect as the Professional Conference Organiser. The date for the General Assembly 2021 was set for 25 August.
And our April meeting, just held yesterday, approved the 2020 draft financial report and the text of the 2020 Annual Report to be presented to members at the General Assembly. We made decisions regarding WLIC 2021 – approving the outline of responsibilities for decision making; that the Caucuses are not to be held as part of WLIC 2021; and that IFLA HQ works with National Associations or National Libraries to assist in allocating grants. We agreed on the fee structure for WLIC 2021. The board also approved the deferral of a decision for the 2024 selection process to December 2021, due to the uncertain times we are in. Work is continuing on the Risk Management Framework and the Governance Handbook and both will be finalised by the end of this term.
Sonia Poulin resigned from the GB in February and I would like to thank her for her great contribution to the board. In accordance with the Rules, Jan Richards has taken on the role of Division One chair and fills the vacancy on the board.
Find out more in the approved minutes of the GB meetings.
Christine Mackenzie
IFLA President 2019-2021
30 April 2021