Theme:From Refugee to Citizen-Integration: Policies and Actions of Cultural Institutions

See the full call for papers here

The Section invites proposals for papers to be presented at a two day satellite conference in Berlin, Germany prior to the next IFLA General Conference in August 2017 in Wroclaw, Poland

This session focuses on the issues of refugee and immigrant communities and the ways that libraries and other cultural institutions serve to incorporate new immigrants into their new home cultures and societies. While some countries have found success in integrating new citizens, other locations have struggled to provide services.

Subjects of interest include:

  • How do libraries and other cultural institutions support refugees?
  • Journey from a refugee to a citizen
  • Best practices and knowledge sharing of inclusion, multicultural practices
  • What services has your institution provided that have been successful?
  • Has your library provided leadership in the area of service to immigrants?
  • Promotion of cultural competencies to library professionals and their staff
  • Promotion of cultural competencies to politicians and decision makers

Proposals should include:


  • Title of presentation
  • Abstract of no more than 500 words in English, French, or Spanish
  • Name, e-mail address, position (title) of presenter(s), plus a brief presenter(s) biography
  • Presenter(s) employed or affiliated institution

Important dates and timelines

Booking is now open – Invitation to Satellite conference