IFLA is excited to partner with UNESCO on Global Media & Information Literacy Week 2020!

This year, Global Media & Information Literacy Week will be celebrated through interactive, virtual events hosted by the Republic of Korea.

Save the date: 24-31 October 2020

Click here to have a look at the preliminary programme.

Global MIL Week 2020 Banner: 24-31 October


As the world navigates the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to develop media and information literacy skills is more critical than ever.

This year’s theme: Resisting Disinfodemic: Media & Information Literacy for everyone, by everyone will explore the importance of resisting disinformation and discuss the roles that many different actors can have in championing information literacy.

Get Involved

As library and information professionals, we can have a huge impact on growing these skills in our communities. There will be many ways for you to have an active role in Global Media & Information Literacy Week – wherever in the world you are!

Libraries can promote their critical role in growing media and information literacy through virtual/live events or activities to take place alongside the main conference as part of Global MIL Week Around the World.

IFLA is ready to support you in putting library events on the Global MIL Week map.

Stay tuned for more information on how libraries can get involved!  

Want to get started now? Click here for 10 ways you can celebrate Global MIL Week. You can also look at our Get into GAPMIL guide for more background!