Save the date! Live Streaming of the Forum of Ministers and Secretaries of Culture of Latin America and the Caribbean and IFLA President’s Meeting 2019
15 May 2019
Next week, two key events on the future of libraries and sustainable development will take place in Buenos Aires, and live streaming will be available!
The Forum of Ministers and Secretaries of Culture of Latin America and the Caribbean, hosted by the Secretary of Culture of Argentina in the Congress of the Argentine Nation on 22 May, will bring together top decision-makers and their representatives to discuss how to realise the potential of libraries to deliver sustainable development.
On 23 May, Glòria Pérez-Salmerón will host her second President’s Meeting, one of IFLA’s most important annual events, under the theme Motors of Change: Libraries and Sustainable Development. This will be an opportunity to reflect on the connections between the work of libraries and development, and to discuss how libraries can receive recognition and support as key partners for governments in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
On these two days, another highlight for IFLA will be the launch and presentation of the 2019 Development and Access to Information Report, produced by IFLA in partnership with the Technology and Social Change Group at the University of Washington. The report will be available for download from its dedicated website on 23 May.
Live streaming will be offered on both days, by the courtesy of the Library of the National Congress (BCN), through its YouTube Channel:
- The programme of the Forum will be live streamed from 9:45hs to 17:30hs (UTC/GMT -3). Check the equivalent time in your location. For more details, you can see the Forum’s programme online.
- The IFLA President’s Meeting will be live streamed from 9:45hs to 17:15hs (UTC/GMT -3). Check the equivalent time in your location. For more details, you can see the Meeting’s programme online.
To watch the live streaming just access BCN’s YouTube Channel and select the LIVE video. No registration is required. A recording of the live streaming will be made available afterwards in the same channel.
Connect with us from wherever you are, and use the #PresidentsMeeting2019, #Lib4Dev and #DA2I hashtags to join the conversation!