Services for People with Disabilities in Libraries: Survey
25 September 2017
IFLA and the Section on Library Services to People with Special Needs (LSN) have been asked to participate in an important United Nations project on serving people with disabilities, in the context of delivering the Sustainable Development Goals. Libraries can help IFLA/LSN participate in this project by providing a response to the survey below, and so show the unique value of libraries.
The deadline for the survey is 20 October 2017, and responses from national libraries, library associations and individual libraries of all types are welcome.
This project will result in a report to the UN General Assembly. It provides the opportunity to raise awareness among countries within the UN about the services that libraries provide. In doing so, it will give further evidence of how sustainable, inclusive development needs libraries.
The survey is in English, but translations should become available in other languages. If you have questions, please contact Nancy Bolt at [email protected].