Spreading Library Values through Global Dialogue – IFLA’s World Library and Information Congress (WLIC)
11 December 2017
IFLA exists in order to empower the library field.
Within our community, it supports discussion and debate, and provides tools and guidance to help libraries and library associations. It also promotes the work of libraries to decision-makers, and advocates for the laws, values and funding frameworks that will enable its members to do the best for users.
Yet there are still too many parts of the world where access to information for all, without discrimination, through well developed and supported library services, is not a yet reality. The World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) can help.
In just the last ten years, Congresses have been held in five different continents, giving thousands of members of our community the chance to participate. It has also given host cities and regions a clear idea of the enthusiasm, and transformative power of libraries.
By promoting inclusiveness, both in terms of bringing the conference closer to as many of our Members as possible, and in maximising participation from elsewhere, WLIC can be the start of a dialogue which serves to underline the values of libraries, and the importance of the services they provide. But this dialogue is clearly only possible when everyone can express themselves freely.
It is for this reason that in a statement released today, IFLA underlined its commitment to bringing the World Library and Information Congress to as many parts of the world as possible. In doing so, however, it is imperative that sessions can be organised, and opinions expressed, without undue restrictions.
Read the full statement: [English – PDF]