Sustainable Development Goals: The Impact of Access to Information on our Societies e-forum
21 July 2015
The Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR), the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations are organising an e-forum on “Sustainable Development Goals: The Impact of Access to Information on our Societies” which will take place from 7-18 September 2015.
This online event has the objective of providing a forum for institutions and individuals to discuss how libraries and information centers can promote the adoption of access to information as part of the post-2015 agenda, in particular United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Lyon Declaration, an advocacy document being used to positively influence the content of the UN post-2015 development agenda, will play a key role in this discussion.
The event will offer webcasts by experts to provide important background information for participants and to help stimulate dialogue and discussion around three main questions:
- What are the ways that access to information (and more narrowly open access) contributes to sustainable development? Please elaborate in case studies and examples if possible.
- How can libraries and information centres promote the adoption of access to information as part of the "post-2015 agenda, in particular SDGs"? Have you considered contacting your relevant Ministries to ensure that access to information, open access, and information providers (such as libraries and information centres) are reflected in the National Development plans?
- What can we do collectively – for example, through COAR, FAO and IFLA- to raise awareness of open access and access to information in the context of SDG discussion?
Please join and participate in the e-forum!
The e-forum is aimed at information professionals in general, any person related to access to information, libraries, information centers is invited and encouraged to participate in the forum.
The e-forum on “Sustainable Development Goals: The Impact of Access to Information on our Societies” which will take place from 7th to 18th of September 2015.
During the e-forum, webinars will take place to support the discussions. Announcements will be distributed one week before each webinar. The first webinar will take place on 11 September at 16:00 with the title “Libraries, The Lyon Declaration, and the Road to 2030” by Stuart Hamilton, Deputy Secretary General, Director, Policy & Advocacy at the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).
How to join
The e-forum is open to anyone, places are not limited. If you are interested to participate in this online event, please fill out this webform.
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].