Terry L Weech, PhD retired Dec. 31, 2021
09 January 2021
After forty years of service to the iSchool, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA, Associate Professor Terry L. Weech (MS ’65, PhD ’72) retired at the end of December.
He has made extensive contributions to both IFLA Sections on Education and Training and Library Theory and Research.
He served as a Treasurer of IFLA Section on Education and Training in 2001-2007; a Chair of the IFLA Division VII, Research and Education, 2001-2005; a Chair of IFLA Section on Education and Training, 2003-2005, 2005-2007; a member of the IFLA Library Theory and Research Section Standing Committee (Executive Committee), 2007-2011, 2011-2015.
In 2017, Weech was honored with a Scroll of Appreciation from IFLA for his distinguished contribution to IFLA and the library profession, especially in the internationalization of LIS education.
See Weech’s CV: http://cpanel.ischool.illinois.edu/~weech/CV/TW-CV-19.pdf