IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Short Film Award 2019. The winner is…
26 June 2019
Thanks to those who attended the 51st IFLA MetLib Conference, May 8-10, in Helsinki, Finland: good practices from 10 cities, Eric Klinenberg as keynote speaker, 5 top-class library visits, including Oodi, and the exchange of ideas with old and new colleagues.
On May 10, the participants of the Conference watched a selection of videos submitted to the contest A Corto di Libri and voted for the following one as winner of the 2019 IFLA Metropolitan Short Film Award:
Why these Finnish libraries are the best in the world – Espoo, Finland
The ceremony will take place on August 27, during the World Library and Information Congress in Athens, and the selected short films will be screened in one off-site event (to be confirmed).