Understanding Your Library from the Inside Out: A Workshop in Library Ethnography for User Assessment – Social Science Libraries with Africa Section
26 May 2017
This off-site workshop is free and will focus on helping librarians to understand and use ethnographic research methods–long used for cultural anthropology research–to better understand their libraries, their users, and how their services and collections are used.
Location: Workshop Location: Wroclaw University Library. ul. F. Joliot-Curie 12, 50-383 Wrocław, Poland
Time: 9:15 am – 3:3pm
Lynne S. Connaway, Senior Research Scientist and Director of User Research at OCLC
Celia Emmelheinz, Anthropology and Qualitative Research Librarian at UC Berkeley.
Presentation format: Interactive/hands-on activities, the workshop participants will explore an “ethnographic toolkit” they can use to better understand the context in which their users engage with their library and its resources. Topics covered include learning how to ask good research questions; honing participation and observation skills; engaging patrons in research through mapping and diaries; coding and interpreting findings, and using results to spark deeper engagement with the user community.
***Register here , but it is a free workshop.
Limited to 30 participants. Lunch will be served.