Update on Work in Progress of the CPDWL Section
08 March 2016
An update about the ongoing work within the CPDWL section.
Dear CPDWL colleagues,
The year and the work within our section is well in progress. Ongoing projects and actions we planned when we met in Cape Town are developing. The new year has also brought interesting new contexts for CPDWL to take part in. Here is a short overview of CPDWL activities this spring:
The revised Quality Guidelines document Continuing Professional Development: Principles and Best Practices has been sent to the IFLA Head Quarters for final formatting and after that it will go to the Professional Committee for endorsement to be published as an IFLA guideline document. The IFLA CPD guidelines will be published in May, indeed something to celebrate!
The IFLA HQ was, as you may know, approached by Public Libraries 2020 in Brussels early this year to partner with them and others on an EU funding application around skill gaps in librarianship. An Erasmus project on this topic has started and the CPDWL Section is presenting IFLA in the project. Susan Schnuer is in lead for the CPDWL participation in this project. The Erasmus project involvement is a new way to work for CPDWL and strategically very interesting.
The Satellite Meeting 2016 in Cleveland is being prepared and the Satellite Committee is doing a great job with all that has to be done to get a conference like this together. Ulrike Lang has the lead together with Cindy Lombardo as the local organizer and Matilde Fontanin as responsible for the program together with Holly Hubenschmidt. Read more on the Satellite website. CPDWL has a reputation for running excellent satellite meetings! Over the years committee members have acquired a lot of experience and documents about running a successful satellite meeting. The CPDWL Satellite Guide published on our IFLA website gathers that experience, and the documents, in an easy-to-use format for future satellite conveners. The hope is that this guide will be a living document, edited as needed, and with additional documents added by committee members to chronicle their work on future CPDWL satellite meetings. Check out the guide.
At the WLIC in Columbus the CPDWL will be conducting a workshop on the updated IFLA Guidelines for CPD. CPDWL will collaborate with SET on a session about Online education and training and also give a Knowledge café in collaboration with KM and IFLAPARL.
In the CPDWL Action plan 2016 we state that we want to make CPD part of the Building Strong Library Associations program. IFLA Head Quarters has noted this and contacted us for input about the growing trend of registration councils or registration for librarians. This is a topic related to professional development that is of importance and we find that it aligns with CPDWL’s interest, so we will follow this up with HQ. A collaboration with the Management of Library Associations Section has also been initiated to support the BSLA program to move forward by focusing on strategic continuing professional development and staff development plans.
The much appreciated and well attended webinars hosted by CPDWL together with the New Professionals Special Interests Group (NPSIG) continue. The date for next webinar is March 31 and the topic is library services to immigrants and refugees including models and best practices from different regions of the world. Join this topical webinar!
If you want to be on the work group for any of these activities, please contact us. It is fun to be involved and you will find that the work and contact with CPDWL colleagues is very inspiring.
To all of you already participating in the CPDWL activities – thank you so much for your engagement and the wonderful work you do!
Kind regards,
Ewa Stenberg and Catharina Isberg, co-chairs of CPDWL