WLIC 2017 Call for Papers: Health and Biosciences Libraries Section
17 November 2016
The IFLA Health and Biosciences Libraries Section invite interested professionals to submit proposals for the open session to be held during IFLA WLIC in Wroclaw, Poland, from 19-25 August 2017.
Theme: Achieving a healthy future together: diverse and emerging roles for health information professionals”
Health information professionals will contribute to the 2017 WLIC theme of Libraries, Solidarity and Society by sharing examples of achieving a healthy future together. Abstracts/papers that describe examples of new and/or changing approaches which envision health information services delivered by librarians working together with multiple stakeholders to achieve a healthy society are welcome. Ethics and ethical professional practice underpin the theme and subthemes and should be reflected in all abstracts/papers.
See the full call for papers on the IFLA WLIC 2017 website.