WLIC 2018 Call for Papers: Health and Biosciences Libraries Section
05 December 2017
Theme: Health Information: Targeting, Connecting and Transforming Lives
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
August 24-30, 2018
Library outreach, in all its forms, requires that the librarians leave their own traditional space, and enter someone else’s space. For health librarians wishing to connect with traditionally underserved and hard-to-reach populations, this requires not only learning about and appreciating the cultural differences that may distinguish those populations from the librarian, but also about the many health disparities that are likely to exist
The IFLA Health and Biosciences Libraries Section plans to contribute to the 2018 WLIC theme of “Transform Libraries, Transform Societies” by exploring this domain to highlight how health libraries are playing a role in transforming societies. We shall showcase examples of health librarians reaching out to traditionally underserved communities through their work. Within this theme, we also wish to explore and demonstrate alternative ways of measuring impact beyond traditional scholarly metrics.
Friday February 16, 2018: Deadline for submission of abstracts
See the full call for papers<https://2018.ifla.org/cfp-calls/health-and-biosciences-libraries-section> on the IFLA WLIC 2018 website.