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IFLA Publications Series

The IFLA/De Gruyter Publications Series deals with many of the means through which libraries, information centres, and information professionals worldwide can formulate their goals, exert their influence as a group, protect their interests, and find solutions to global problems. Volumes are available in print or electronic format. Orders for individual… Read More

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  • 24 August 2021

Second Call for Papers – Satellite Meeting Vilnius 2017

“The Challenge of Multiple Identities - Multi-ethnicity in Genealogy, Local History and Regional Memory - Challenges and Opportunities for Libraries and Other Memory Institutions" is the theme for the main session. Genealogy and Local History Section (GENLOC) joint with Asia and Oceania Section and Information Technology Section invite proposals for papers to be presented at the session. Read More

  • News
  • 14 February 2017
  • By: anonymous

Satellite Meeting Vilnius – Call for Papers

“The Challenge of Multiple Identities - Multiethnicity in Genealogy, Local History and Regional Memory - Challenges and Opportunities for Libraries and Other Memory Institutions" is the theme for the main session at the Satellite Meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania, 16-17 August 2017. Read More

  • News
  • 25 January 2017
  • By: anonymous

Family and Local History: An Enduring Legacy for the Next Generation

10-15 August 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden The Section's program at the 2010 World Library and Information Congress included an open paper session and a field trip. Papers presented at the Open Session: The Virtual Hamilton Palace: Building a Digital Resource for Local and Family History… Read More

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  • 09 October 2010

Study Tour Programme

 Section 37 – Genealogy and Local History Section  organizes an annual study tour program in conjunction with the World Library and Information Congress.  This year’s programme will take place on Friday, 13 August 2010, 10:00 – 16:30.  The group will visit the Gothenburg City Library and the Regional State… Read More

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  • 17 July 2010