Title Philippine National Bibliography (PNB)
Web site address
Start date 1974
Period covered 1974
Current size 9,188
Media covered PNB covers the following:
● Books, pamphlets and non-book materials copyrighted under Presidential Decree No. 49. This is a decree on the protection of Intellectual Property or otherwise known as the New Copyright Law of the Philippines
● Non-copyrighted books, pamphlets and non-book materials regardless of the number of pages.
● Government publications including presidential decrees, orders, proclamations, and instructions;
● Annuals, first issues of newspapers and periodicals;
● Conference, seminar or workshop papers;
● Thesis and dissertations;
● Titles reprinted in the Philippines under PD No. 285 as amended by PD No. 400
● Books for children
● Artists’ books
General selection criteria Philippine National Bibliography (PNB) is an ongoing cumulation of the authoritative and comprehensive list of books and other materials published or distributed in the Philippines or the Filipiniana collection. It is produced in accordance with international standards. Wenceslao E. Retana, a famous Filipino journalist and Filipinologist defined FILIPINIANA publications as follows:
FILIPINIANA publications as follows:

1. Those that were printed in the Philippines irrespective of the subject they treat of, because all of those are indispensable for the accurate study of the typography of the Archipelago;

2. Those that are about the Philippines, no matter in what language they were written or the place where they were printed because they are more or less necessary for the study of the country; and

3. Those that were written by Filipinos on any subject, regardless of their imprint, because they are of great use to measure the intellectual capacity, laboriousness, taste, ambitions, etc. of Filipinos.

Selection criteria for digital resources Formats are accepted that allow a digital long term preservation.
Exclusions policies applied Computer games, foreign publications, ephemera materials
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control National Library of the Philippines (Catalog Division, Bibliographic Services Division, Information Technology Division, Collection Development Division)
Web site address of national bibliographic agency web.nlp.gov.ph
Co-operative structures or  relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography National Library of the Philippines, Legal Deposit, ISBN/ISSN/ISMN National Agency
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies Multiple Categorised Bibliographies
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography In-house
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements The National Library of the Philippines is one of the implementing agency of the PD 812 or Legal Deposit
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme The National Library of the Philippines, Catalog Division is in charge of Cataloguing-in-Publication. Yes, pre publication records are included in the Philippine National Bibliography
Form of publication used for the national bibliography Online Database (2016 to current); scanned copies available online (1974 to 2015)
Access options to national bibliographic metadata
Free service using save record BIBTEX, Dublin Core (XML), ISBD, MARC (Non-unicode/MARC-8), MARCXML, MODS (XML), RIS, MARC (Unicode/UTF-8), MARC (Unicode/UTF-8, Standard)
Online access options Web Catalogue of KOHA Integrated Library System
Formats & media available for delivery of record sets from the national bibliography BIBTEX, Dublin Core (XML), ISBD, MARC (Non-unicode/MARC-8), MARCXML, MODS (XML), RIS, MARC (Unicode/UTF-8), MARC (Unicode/UTF-8, Standard)
Metadata enhancements offered via online services Book jackets / covers available at https://ins-poas.nlp.gov.ph/recently-published-books
Web 2.0 services offered None
Frequency of service updates Monthly
Target audiences for services General public including academic/public libraries, members of the public, researchers, book tradeLibrarian professionals, general public, researchers, book trade and union catalogue (Unicat).
Uses made of  services offered Advance notification of publications, acquisition/selection, derived cataloguing, retrospective conversion, interlibrary loans, understanding national publishing output
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services Free
Under what conditions may the metadata be re-used for other products? Released in public domain without restriction
Metadata formats MARC21
Cataloguing code RDA, ISBD
Levels of description offered Full
Subject standards
Classification DDC, LCC, Classification Scheme for Philippine Government Publications
Subject heading scheme or thesaurus Library of Congress Subject Headings
Name authority standards or Name authority file None
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? Yes, Bibliographic Services Division and Catalog Division
Member of the International Standard Bibliographic Description Technical Working Group
Date information submitted 25/10/2022
Information supplied by Jennifer B. Dimasaca, Susan M. Zamora, Maricris L. Abancia
emails [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]