Evidence for Global and Disaster Health SIG Annual Report 2018-2019
Our Annual Report records the achievements and progress of the E4GDH Special Interest Group in relation to our Action Plan for the last year.
If you have questions about our work, suggestions about what you would like us to work on, or you would like to help us, please contact the E4GDH convenor Anne Brice: [email protected]
Objective 1: Establish and develop SIG and Support Network
Strengthening the SIG and engaging advisors will contribute to delivering our work plan and increase impact.
- With 9 new members, there are now 18 people on our advisory group bringing a breadth of representation in terms of geographical region. Several people joined having taken part in our IFLA sessions in 2018.
- In 2019, members of our advisory group joined the satellite meeting and WLIC open session subcommittees, as well as our advocacy working group.
Objective 2: Co-ordination, communication and advocacy
Building links with other IFLA groups and wider networks in GDH will increase opportunities for collaboration and visibility.
Opportunities to collaborate with other IFLA sections were actively taken up, helping to build awareness and understanding of our activities.
This includes our joint satellite meeting with STL (Science and Technology Libraries section), and joint open session with CPDWL (Continuing Professional Development & Workplace Learning). - Two newsletters have been circulated and posted online.
Objective 3: Events
Open and Satellite sessions during WLIC 2019, and webinar series will promote awareness and participation in the SIG from a wide range of stakeholders.
- Our Finding the Evidence resource guide has been made available online.
- English subtitles have been provided for all 3 of our webinars in 2018/19.
Hosted a interactive 2-hour joint session with CPDWL (Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning): “Active and interactive learning and development strategies to extend LIS practice: the need for new skills to meet the challenges of our world”.
Excellent participant feedback, including: session was “vibrant, informative, helpful”; “great, knowledgeable, inspirational”; “interesting, very well organised, very professional”. - Hosted a well-received 1-hour solo session “Increasing advocacy and dialogue through learning” to discuss our advocacy work and learn from participants’ experience.
- Our joint satellite meeting with Science and Technology Libraries section on “Services libraries can offer to support Open Science” successfully took place in Vienna, Austria.
Objective 4: Activity and resource mapping
Aligning with existing initiatives will promote better value and data capture, input to Library Map of the World through case studies and reduce duplication.
- In progress: the 2017 evidence briefing and HIFA report “What is the evidence around knowledge and library service provision and knowledge management to support global health, and disaster and emergency preparedness?”, which contributed to our development as a SIG, will be updated. Another unplanned piece of work with the World Health Organization took priority.
Objective 5: Training and mentoring
Building skills within and outside IFLA community, will contribute to addressing skills gaps to increase reach.
- In progress: some existing training materials have been promoted via our webinar series – for example Training Courses for the Disaster Information Specialist Program under National Library of Medicine, with firsthand feedback from one participant: “Have taken the advanced DIS cert – can’t recommend it highly enough.”
Work still in progress
As highlighted above, some objectives and activities are still in progress and feature in our Action Plan for 2019 – 2020. This has a new format, in line with the new IFLA strategy.
More Information
For more information, see our 2018-2019 Annual Report in full