Fostering Global Communication Among Religions and Libraries Relindial and the American Theological Library Association (ATLA) welcomed attendees to a timely discussion on Fostering Global Communication Among Religions and Libraries.

A majority of the world’s population professes to a faith tradition of their ancestors, their country, or both. More than ever, we live in times calling for knowledge and respect for traditions of other people. Multiple speakers, panelists, and paper presenters spoke on how religions and libraries are changing the nature of interfaith dialogue through their services and activities.

Held on Friday, 12 August 2016 at Ohio Dominican University in Columbus, Ohio, USA the event preceded the 82nd IFLA General Conference and Assembly, though registration or attendance of IFLA was not required to attend the RELINDIAL meeting.


Three papers are included in the proceedings:

  • Online Access to American Diocesan Archives: Current State and Lessons for Other Repositories
    Colleen Mahoney Hoelscher, Archivist and Collections Librarian, Marian Library, University of Dayton
  • No Empire is an Island: Collections and Cross-Cultural Studies of Medieval Religion
    Sarah Mackowski, Acquisitions & Interlibrary Loan Assistant, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library
  • Research and Practice Bound Together
    Tina Schneider, Professor, University Libraries, Library Director, Lima Campus, The Ohio State University at Lima
