Havana Declaration
FIFTEEN INFORMATION LITERACY ACTIONS…… for collaborative work on generation of networks for development of information literacy in Ibero-American countries
(Latin America, Spain and Portugal)
Over the last ten years, in the framework of different events and contexts, different declarations on information competence education, also known as information literacy or “IL-INFOLIT” have been submitted in relation to other literacies and skills training.
This declaration aims to combine conceptual, philosophical and investigative main aspects of those previous declarations (Ciudad Juárez, 1997-1999-2002; Prague, 2003; Alexandria, 2005; Toledo, 2006; Lima, 2009; Paramillo, 2010; Murcia, 2010; Maceió, 2011; Fez, 2011), and prescribe several commitments to implement practical and concrete actions from the perspective of collaborative work and the evolution of networks for the increase of the information literacy in our contexts.
This event that has created the opportunity to gather different professionals, libraries, educational institutions and member organizations belonging to different Ibero-American countries and understand their vision, learned lessons and perspectives on the IL-INFOLIT topic.
Therefore, we propose and commit ourselves to work in different ways and according to our possibilities and scope for these 15 actions