IFLA Webinar: The SDGs in 2019 — What’s on the Agenda for IFLA and the Sustainable Development Goals in 2019?
2019 is going to be a big year in IFLA’s work on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
With a focus on SDG 4 (quality education), SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth), SDG 10 (reduced inequalities) and SDG 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions, which includes access to information), there will be many opportunities to highlight the importance of libraries as partners for development.
Watch this 30-minute webinar and find out about the following:
- What is coming up at the UN in 2019?
- What plans IFLA already has, and what briefings are available?
- How you can engage, starting with getting your events and initiatives highlighted on the Global Day of Action for the SDGs on 25 September 2018?
English Webinar:
IFLA Webinar: The SDGs in 2019
- Stephen Wyber, Manager Policy & Advocacy, IFLA
- Webinar Slides [PDF]
- Webinar Slides (Editable file) [PPT]
- Script [PDF]
- Poster: “This library supports the SDGs” [PDF] IFLA has prepared a poster which you can print and put up in your libraries. We’d love for you to take photos and share them on social media! To make sure your voice is part of this global movement on 25 September, don’t forget to include the #Act4SDGs hashtag!
French Webinar:
Webinar de l’IFLA : Les ODD en 2019
Intervenant :
- Stephen Wyber, Manager, Affaires publiques et plaidoirie, IFLA
- Diapositives du webinar [PDF]
- Diapositives du webinar (Document modifiable) [PPT]
- Affiche: “Cette bibliothèque soutient les ODD” [PDF] l’IFLA a préparé une affiche que vous pouvez imprimer et afficher dans votre bibliothèque. Nous aimerions bien que vous en preniez des photos, et les mettiez sur les médias sociaux. Pour bien participer au mouvement du 25 septembre, soyez sûr(e) d’utiliser l’hashtag #Act4SDGs.
Spanish Webinar:
Webinar de la IFLA: Los ODS en 2019
- Maria Violeta Bertolini, Oficial de Comunicaciones de Promoción y Defensa, IFLA
- Diapositivas del webinar [PDF]
- Diapositivas del webinar (Documento editable) [PPT]
- Guión [PDF]
- Póster: “Esta biblioteca apoya los ODS” [PDF] La IFLA ha preparado un póster que puede imprimir y colocar en su biblioteca. Nos encantaría que tomara fotos y las comparta en redes sociales. Para asegurarse de que su voz sea parte de este movimiento mundial del 25 de septiembre, no se olvide de incluir el hashtag #Act4SDGs.