Public Libraries Section Action Plan 2018-2019
Public Libraries Section Action Plan 2018-2019
The Public Libraries Section is very engaged and our Action Plan outlines the key initatives for the year 2018-2019. Updates on the many projects and events we’re involved with can be found on our web page, our Blog , Facebook , Twitter and YouTube or on the PUBLIB mailing list
Objective 1
Support the sector through the sharing of best practice
- Undertake a reiew of IFLA Public Libary Service Guidelines
- Undertake a review of IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto (1994) for relevance and mark the 25th anniversary of this document in November 2018
- Deliver the annual IFLA/Systematic Public Library of the Year Award at the WLIC
Objective 2
Advocate for equitable access to information and knowledge for communities world-wide that supports the democratic process, shared understanding and community well-being
- Monitor, record and share initiatives that support equitable access to information and knowledge
Objective 3
Build capacity for public libraries and public librarians internationally through an agile and engaged Section
- Ensure the delivery of strong and relevant conference programs
- Encourage public librarians to participate in IFLA conferences through the presentation of innovative papers or posters
- Provide mid-term meetings which include a professional development opportunity for local and regional public library colleagues
- Participate in the promoting and sharing information using PLS Social media platforms, web and national networks
- Encourage active participation in the Section
- Participate in IFLA’s Global Vision Discussion
- Examine Quality Assesment of Public Library Collections
The full version of the Public Libraries Section Action Plan 2018-2019 provides more detail.