Report on IFLA 2016 in Columbus, Ohio, USA
Several thousand members of the world library community came together in Columbus, Ohio, in mid-August when the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) held its 82nd World Library and Information Congress (WLIC). Following the theme of Connections, Collaboration, Community, delegates from 137 different countries spent six days learning, networking with colleagues, and discussing challenges that affect libraries and the information community around the globe. The conference provided over 200 educational sessions on a wide range of topics, as well as a multitude of sub-group meetings and planning sessions.
Members of the Law Libraries Section experienced a busy and successful conference. The Standing Committee (SC) held two business meetings. During the first of these meetings, Chair Sonia Poulin (Alberta Law Libraries, Canada) and other members of the SC reported on action plan items completed and progress made toward the section’s 2015-16 strategic plan. The meeting agenda also included a review of upcoming conference highlights, including two programs sponsored by the section and an evening reception for section members and guests, organized by SC member Anne Burnett. Looking ahead to IFLA 2017 in Wroclaw, Poland, SC members discussed ideas for programs to fit the theme, which is “Libraries. Solidarity. Society.” After a preliminary discussion of possible topics and programs, teams were formed to consider each topic and present a draft proposal at the second meeting three days later. At the second meeting, draft program proposals were presented and three of the themes were approved.
Link to the full Report on IFLA 2016 in Columbus, Ohio, USA. This article was originally published in the October 2016 (vol. 31) issue of the newsletter of the Foreign, Comparative, and International Law Section (FCIL-SIS) of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL). It is reprinted here with permission.