The Library Services to People with Special Needs Section (LSN) Brochure
The LSN Brochure was first disseminated in WLIC 2019. The easy-to-read version of the LSN Brochure was written in more natural English. With the synergy of different LSN Standing Committee members, including Nancy Bolt (English), Helen Chan (Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese), Misako Nomura (Japanese), Samira Zahra (Bulgarian and Arabic), Ingrid Källström and Heidi Carlsson Asplund (Swedish), Knut Michael Nygaard (Norwegian) and supporters, the LSN Brochure was translated into 10 languages.
Who should use the LSN brochure?
Anyone who wants to make libraries more accessible to all.
What type of libraries is the LSN brochure for?
The brochure is for all types of libraries, providing links to Guidelines to improve practice and adapt to the needs of users with different abilities in a changing world.
Why do library practitioners need this brochure?
With the brochure, all library practitioners, who care about the information accessible for all, can understand the support available from the IFLA LSN section with ease. They can also help disseminate the LSN message to anyone interested in Guidelines in Guidelines for improving library services to people with special needs.
Who should I contact if I have questions about the LSN Brochure?
Please contact Helen Chan, Secretary of LSN, Coordinator of the LSN Brochure Translation Project by email ([email protected]).