IFLA Open Access Vocabulary
- 2024-04-11
A shared understanding of the key terminology used in Open Access across regions and languages is essential for awarenes...
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A shared understanding of the key terminology used in Open Access across regions and languages is essential for awarenes...
The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), based in Geneva, is the United Nations agency responsible for copyr...
This represents the January 2024 update of IFLA's Marrakesh Monitoring Report, which provides the latest on which countr...
Правила имају за циљ да помогну свим библиотечким стручњацима ко�...
This document sets out the terms of reference of the Open Science and Scholarship Advisory Committee, as approved by the...
IFLA joins the entire General Assembly in celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Marrakesh Treaty—a very important oc...
Includes: Opening Statement and statements on discussions of the Broadcast Treaty, the panel discussion of online cross-...
So far, 123 countries have ratified or acceded to the Marrakesh Treaty, including those which joined subsequent to the E...
This short paper highlights how cross border cooperation is a central part of the work of libraries and cultural institu...
In response to a call for comments from the National Council of the Provinces on the Copyright Amendment Bill, IFLA subm...
This study sought to better understand students' grasp of complex copyright issues. Thirty-one undergraduate STEM studen...
Open Access Week is already in its 15th year, serving to celebrate progress towards a model of scholarly communication t...
Information is a critical resource for personal, economic and social development. Libraries and archives are the primary...
We want to recognize the initiative taken by the African Group and its plan’s supporters – including South Africa, I...
The world’s millions of libraries are not expecting this committee to do everything. They don’t expect immediate or ...
At IFLA, we count among our members institutions working to ensure the long-term survival of broadcast content, as a vit...
The report involved a survey of 114 libraries worldwide and 28 interviews during February and March 2022. Respondents we...
A Marrákesi szerződés a vakok, látáskárosultak és nyomtatott szöveget egyéb okból használni képtelen személ...
IFLA has responded to a call for comments on the South African Copyright Amendment Bill, highlighting the need to reject...
The chart below is an updated version of previous monitoring reports. Where a country has been updated or added since th...