
Explore IFLA Standards, key publications, and core documents and more! All Resources are drawn from our ever-expanding institutional repository.

136 resources

Why Public Access Matters


Libraries were early adopters of the internet, seeing its potential to connect people to ever more information. While nu...

Riconoscere le fake news


Critical thinking is a key skill in media and information literacy, and the mission of libraries is to educate and advoc...

Penaos anavezout ur falskeloù


Critical thinking is a key skill in media and information literacy, and the mission of libraries is to educate and advoc...

Cara Mengenal Berita Palsu


Critical thinking is a key skill in media and information literacy, and the mission of libraries is to educate and advoc...

Të Diktojmë Faktet


Critical thinking is a key skill in media and information literacy, and the mission of libraries is to educate and advoc...

Jak rozpoznat fake news


Critical thinking is a key skill in media and information literacy, and the mission of libraries is to educate and advoc...

Fake News erkennen


Critical thinking is a key skill in media and information literacy, and the mission of libraries is to educate and advoc...