Statement of Candidacy: Christine Wellems (Germany)
For the position of Governing Board Member 2015-2017
In the event of being elected to the IFLA Governing Board, Christine Wellems wants to champion the following topics:
Transparency, reliability, clear structures and a constructive interaction between the diverse entities of IFLA and its many elected members in sections and working groups – these are success factors for any organisation that relies on the generous and dedicated work of its volunteers. As a member of the Governing Board, I would support the observance and implementation of such standards and values throughout all IFLA levels and structures.
From a technical point I would put the topics digitisation, access to digital information and information literacy at the heart of my efforts. The IFLA Trend Report describes this theme as one of five major global trends that will change the information environment, and focuses on the tension between expansion and restriction of access to information through digitisation. The discussion of the role of libraries and information centres in terms of these contrasting developments must be continued in the IFLA community. Externally, strong advocacy for access to information and development, as outlined by the Lyon Declaration, will have to be an integral part of that role.
Christine Wellems
Head of Department, Parliamentary Information Services
State Parliament of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany