Statement of Candidacy for IFLA President-elect 2019-2021: Barbara Lison (Germany)
To serve as President 2021-2023
IFLA's success is based on collaboration and contributions of members from all over the world. I wish to contribute to the crucial challenge of supporting sustainable development, democracy, open access, cultural diversity and guaranteeing freedom of information through libraries.
I am especially committed to library policy and advocacy, marketing and governance issues. I know the impact of successful networking with partners from within and outside the library field. Through my experience as a conference speaker and trainer in workshops worldwide, I am in contact with colleagues in many countries.
For nearly 20 years I have been professionally active in IFLA, mainly in the Metropolitan Libraries Section, where I am currently a Standing Committee member.
I am a founding member of IFLAs e-lending group which is supporting free access to e-books. Through these and other long-term commitments, including regular attendance and presenting at IFLA WLICs I have acquired a strong understanding of IFLA's professional activities for all types of libraries, public and academic and have learned so much through networking and collaborating with librarian colleagues from all over the world.
I already had the honour of working on the IFLA Governing Board in the Governing Board terms of 2011-2013 and 2013-2015. During these terms I was involved with developing the IFLA Trend Report, the Lyon Declaration and the IFLA Code of Ethics. I also worked to ensure IFLA's multilingual approach for its membership, especially with a multilingual website. In the current term of the Governing Board I serve as IFLA's Treasurer, closely working with the President, the President-elect and the Secretary General. This responsibility gives me a deep insight into every field of action of the organisation. With these experiences and insights I feel myself well prepared to nominate for the position of President-elect.
My intention is to further strengthen IFLA as the Global advocate for libraries and, if elected, I would especially focus on
- the worldwide enhancement of libraries, especially in the successful implementation of their vision for the future
- ensuring the acknowledgement of the libraries' important role for the knowledge society in the digital age
- taking further action in IFLA's International Advocacy Program with regard to the UN-Sustainable Development Goals
- engaging myself to secure open access, fair copyright and fair e-lending conditions
- strengthening and further developing the IFLA's governance structure based on my longterm expertise in the governance of library associations ensuring IFLA's financial sustainability and strength to act effectively on a global scale.
Barbara Lison
Director, Bremen Public Library