Statement of Candidacy: Glòria Pérez-Salmerón (Spain)
For the position of Governing Board Member 2015-2017
2nd Term
With my background in library management and services at all levels – from local public libraries to Director of National Library of Spain, President of the Spanish Federation of Library Associations, and member of IFLA’s Governing Board– I stand for close cooperation among libraries of all types. Working together is essential if we are to reach our goals.
In today’s world, where information is provided via a wide variety of media and smart devices, libraries play an important role in developing user skills and in upholding the right to information access. Only through effective library networks and partnerships with other stakeholders will we be able to fulfil our mission. My professional and technical experience will allow me to work toward a consensus on a global position for moving forward in this changing and challenging information environment.
IFLA’s mission is clear and ambitious: empowering libraries to enable their user communities to have equitable access to information. But libraries are simultaneously buffeted by budget cuts, commercial competitors (as in the developing e-book market), and an outdated copyright framework. I stand for improved advocacy to lead toward universal access; I have worked for this and will continue to do so with all my energy.
The role of national and local associations must be reinforced, as do the efforts of our professionals in developing the leadership and technical skills required for managing the new information scenario of proliferating social media.
Libraries are an investment, not a cost. IFLA, as the global voice of libraries, must develop new and innovative approaches for convincing governments of the importance of quality library services for improving the lives of their citizens.
Within IFLA, I pledge to work together with librarians and library associations to maintain libraries as a foundation for learning and to build a better future for the societies they serve.
Glòria Pérez-Salmerón
FESABID (Federación Española de Sociedades de Archivística, Biblioteconomía, Documentación y Museística)
Diputació de Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain