The National Bibliography of Moldova
Title | The National Bibliography of Moldova |
Web site address | |
Start date | began 1958 |
Period covered | 15th century to date |
Current size | 1,5 million documents |
Media covered | The categories of resources that are the object of the „National Bibliography of Moldova” such as: monographic resources (books, brochures); printed music (scores); cartographic resources (maps, atlases, globes); graphic resources, electronic resources, audio-visual resources (disks, slides); as well as component parts of the series |
General selection criteria | The national bibliographic agency registers all publications, having direct access to the resources submitted for Legal Deposit, as a result of the application of the Law on editorial activity and the Regulation on the functioning of the legal deposit of documents in the Republic of Moldova |
Selection criteria for digital resources | Only formats are accepted that allow a digital long term preservation |
Exclusions policies applied | The following types of publications are not subject to bibliographic records: narrowly departmental literature, related to the regulation of the internal order of an organization; reprints of instructional materials; technical information sheets, technical production publications, which refer to some technological processes; instructions that provide for the use of industrial items; leaflets, programs of any kind, advertising publications; some special technical literature publications – standards, technical prescriptions, price lists, construction type projects |
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control | National Book Chamber of the Republic of Moldova (NBCRM) |
Web site address of national bibliographic agency | |
Co-operative structures or relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography | National Book Chamber of the Republic of Moldova is the national bibliography agency for Moldova, also acts as the Moldova ISBN, ISSN and ISMN agency and legal deposit archive |
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies | National Bibliography of Moldova contains both retrospective and current national bibliography data and is divided into the following national bibliography collections • „Book annals” • „Doctoral theses annals” • „Music publications annals” • „Graphic documents annals” • „Bibliography annals of bibliographies” • „Review annals” • „Electronic resources annals” • „Magazine articles annals” • „Newspaper articles annals” • „Moldova books” • „Serials” • „Basarabiana collections” The bibliographic descriptions of the resources listed above are compiled de visu, based on the existing titles from the Legal Deposit of the National Book Chamber. To facilitate searches, each issue contains auxiliary indexes, which are the subject of the respective compartment of „NBM”: – alphabetical index of names (authors, editors, translators, foreworders, illustrators, photographers, reviewers, as well as other persons responsible for the content of the document, persons to whom the works are dedicated). The author’s first and last name are given separated by a comma, followed by the number/numbers in which reference is made to the respective author, after which there is no punctuation mark. The numbers referring to the personnel are given in round brackets. – Alphabetical index of titles – Alphabetical index of book subjects (includes headings subject, institutions, cultural events or geographical names) – Geographical index – Alphabetical index of publishers. All auxiliary indexes are ordered by alphabetic characters, consisting of two alphabetical rows: those with Latin characters (Romanian and foreign) one row; those with Cyrillic character another line and refer to the number/numbers of the bibliographic record to which reference is made. An important element of the work is the headings subjects that complete the descriptions, aimed at increasing the quality of the information provided and facilitating its use. To establish them, in-depth searches in various sources of information are often necessary. |
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography | The source to produce National Bibliography is data created in-house: bibliographic records of NBCRM |
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements | The national bibliography includes the material provided under the Legal Deposit Law. National Book Chamber of the Republic of Moldova is the national legal deposit agency for Moldova and receive 1 copies of all type of publications |
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme | National Book Chamber of the Republic of Moldova coordinates the CIP programme. CIP Programme is a cooperative venture between publishers and NBCRM that enables books to be catalogued before they are published. CIP records serve as the basis of a definitive record at national bibliography level. A record is excluded from the database of CIP-records after the publication reaches the NBCRM |
Form of publication used for the national bibliography | Printed and PDF issue |
Access options to national bibliographic metadata | The national bibliography records are available online on NBCRM website |
Online access options | – |
Formats & media available for delivery of record sets from the national bibliography | Records from the national bibliography are disseminated in-house format |
Metadata enhancements offered via online services | No |
Web 2.0 services offered | No |
Frequency of service updates | Monthly |
Target audiences for services | Every kind of target audiences |
Uses made of services offered | Every kind of use |
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services | The National Bibliography of Moldova is available under subscription |
Under what conditions may the metadata be re-used for other products? | The National Bibliography of Moldova metadata is released usually for free into the public domain (except for profit business) |
Metadata formats | – |
Cataloguing code | ISBD |
Levels of description offered | Complete ISBD |
Subject standards | – |
Classification | UDC |
Subject heading scheme or thesaurus | – |
Name authority standards or Name authority file | – |
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? | No |
Date information submitted | 08/12/2022 |
Information supplied by | Renata Cozonac, General Director, National Book Chamber of the Republic of Moldova, email [email protected] |