A word from the Chair and Secretary
My dear friends and colleagues,
Almost a year has passed, (time really flies!) and we will meet soon in Columbus, Ohio.
As you may have read or seen in the programme planning for Columbus, we had to cancel the satellite meeting. We did not receive enough papers to be able to organize a meeting nor was the interest in the region strong enough. We want to thank Michael Kevane for his time and energy that he put in.
The plans for Columbus itself are shaped as we speak. The complete programme is available on the Congress website, both business meetings as the standing Committee meetings but also open sessions.
Please note in your agenda:
- Saturday 13.8. session 047 at 15.15-17.15 Standing Committee first business meeting. This meeting is open for observers. If you are interested in our work, please join!
- Monday 15.8. session 098 at 11.45-12.45 presentation of the Revised Guidelines and the Best Practice Project which are very much connected.
- Tuesday 16.8. session 112; Standing Committee 2. meeting
- Tuesday 16.8. at 10.30-13.00 off site session in Columbus Metropolitan Library, Main Library, 96 S. Grant Ave. (this is not mentioned in the programme on the website).
- Wednesday 17.8. session 165 at 9.30-12.45; Joint session with Sections Literacy and Reading, School Libraries, Public Libraries.
Members of a section are always active but I want to mention at first our Information Coordinator, Ulla Pötsönen, who does a tremendous job on the Best Practices Project, our web pages, the online articles, Facebook. We owe her a big, big thank you!
And, of course, a thank you to all members of the Standing Committee who have contributed in one way or another.
For now I wish you joy by reading the articles in these article themed How do libraries use digital devices to promote reading?
Children and youth around the world have been adapting the new digital technologies such as e-readers, smart phones and tablet computers. How do libraries answer to the changes and evolution of digital culture that’s changing the reading habits of young people? What added value the technology can bring into reading? What are the challenges within infrastructure, library resources or skills, values and attitudes of the library staff, educators and parents this development poses?
We hope to see you all in Columbus!
Ingrid Bon
Ingrid Källström