CPDWL Section Business Meeting
The Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning (CPDWL) Section will be hosting its annual business meeting virtually. You are welcome to attend as an observer.
The Zoom meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 30, 15:00-16:30 CEST (check your local time). This meeting is scheduled for 1.5 hours.
If you wish to attend, please email me at [email protected] and we will send you the agenda and Zoom details.
You can expect our SC members to share updates on the following:
- Coaching Initiative with Management and Marketing (M&M) Section
- Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development: Principles and Best Practices
- Webinars
- proposed “CPDWL Award” & “Infodemic” projects
- many potential collaborations with other Sections/Groups
- Newsletter, social media, & website updates
What we’ve been up to:
- Recent webinars on wellness for librarians, and library advocacy (both with New Professionals Special Interest Group) – view recording and slides.
- CPDWL Blog posts on timely topics and resources concerning professional development by CPDWL members. Recent posts include a how-to piece on managing a 35-day long city fair that took three years to put together, a reflective article by Gill Hallam (recipient of IFLA’s Scroll of Appreciation), a day in the life of an IFLA Section officer, and a start-up library in Silicon Valley.
- CPDWL Newsletter (July 2022) featuring a book review, stories from a mentoring experience, a collaboration between CILIP and Health Education England (HEE) , & the innovation e-training program held by the Arab Federation of Libraries & Information (AFLI).
We welcome all to join us for our business meeting, and learn more about these activities, and our Section’s projects!