Findings from the IFLA LTR ProjectPoster

Practice of Research Data Management: Findings from the IFLA LTR Project

By Anna Maria Tammaro, Krystyna K. Matusiak, Vittore Casarosa, Frank Andreas Sposito


Research Data Management (RDM) has emerged as a new functional responsibility for researchers, librarians, and information professionals in the digital library environment

  • The concept of “data curation” as a superordinate framework for organizing RDM services emerged in the 1990s from the management of scientific information and e-science
  • Its usage has since spread to other disciplines, including digital humanities.

This study is part of a research project undertaken by the Library Theory and Research (LTR) of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) The primary objective of this multi-phase project is:

  • To identify the roles and responsibilities of data curators in both international and interdisciplinary contexts.
