Information literacy as a continuum for a successful transition to higher education
The IFLA School Libraries and Information Literacy Sections are jointly sponsoring two webinars exploring perspectives on the role of information literacy education in fostering a smooth transition throughout a learner’s formal education journey from pre-Kindergarten to 20 and beyond. They will take place via Zoom on 27-28 October 2021.
How are librarians building partnership within and beyond their home institutions to smooth a learner’s information literacy education journey from one place to another? At a macro level, information literacy education happens at all stages from PK to 20 and beyond.
The two webinars are organized by the joint team of two IFLA Sections – Information Literacy (IL) and School Libraries (SL) – and are delivered online within the programs of celebrations and initiatives for the Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2021, promoted by UNESCO, and the International School Library Month 2021, promoted by the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL). The first webinar “Information literacy as a continuum for a successful transition to higher education” (27 October 2021) aims at sharing experiences of information literacy across the curriculum, from pre-school onto university and college; the second webinar “Educators’ Education and Training on Information Literacy” (28 October 2021) aims at sharing methods and practices of education and training in the field of media and information literacy education for (future) educators. The lessons learned show how beneficial well-trained professionals and an effective information literacy education, starting from prekindergarten level, can be in order to raise curious lifelong learners, critical thinkers, creative persons, aware and active citizens.
Webinar 1: Information literacy as a continuum for a successful transition to higher education
27 October 2021 via Zoom: 14:00-16:00 (CEST)
14:00: Welcome and introduction
Marielza Oliveira, Director for Partnership and Operational Programme Monitoring (CI/POM) and Secretary of the Information for All Programme (IFAP), Valérie Glass (IFLA SLS Chair) and Ning Zou (IFLA ILS Chair)
Presentation of the two Sections, their joint meeting and the Webinar #1
14:20: PK-20 Information Literacy Standards: Perspectives on Implementation in the US
Elisabeth Burns (Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA)
14:40: Building Connections Between School and Academic Librarians in Columbus
Kapil Vasudev, Amanda Folk, Jane Hammons, and Ann Hidal (The Ohio State University Libraries, USA)
15:00: Towards a Digital Life@PolysTM Framework: Transformation of Digital & Media Literacy in the Polytechnic Libraries in Singapore
Lim Bee Ang (Ngee Ann Polytechnic Library, Singapore), and Lim Hwa Shan (Nanyang Polytechnic Library, Singapore)
15:20: Live Q&A Session with Presenters
15:40: Final Remarks
The webinar will be chaired by Valérie Glass and facilitated by Caroline Peron.
Free admittance, prior online registration via Zoom by 25 October 2021.
A certificate of attendance will be issued upon request.
This webinar was recorded: YouTube video Webinar 1