New directions in AI: formation of an IFLA Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence applications are increasingly a part of the library space: in chatbots, embedded in library systems, used for automated indexing and classification, and integral to robots. The IT Section in the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions is sponsoring the formation of a Special Interest Group in AI (AI SIG).
We are pleased to invite all IFLA colleagues and friends interested in Artificial Intelligence in the library field to join us on Dec. 6 at 4pm UTC (5pm CET, 11am EST) to join in a webinar and discussion on the establishment of the Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group (AI SIG).
We will have presentations on AI in libraries followed by an open discussion.
The IFLA Professional Council meeting on November 3 has approved an exploratory meeting as the next step towards the establishment of AI SIG within IFLA. The exploratory meeting on December 6 will:
- give an overview of the current state of AI in libraries
- discuss the attached goals and objectives
- gather 25 signatories who intend to actively participate in the activities of the SIG for a petition to be submitted to the Professional Council
- propose a satellite meeting and main session at IFLA WLIC 2022 in Dublin, Ireland.
If the SIG is approved we will also hold the first business meeting to nominate a Convenor and seek volunteers to serve in roles including Secretary and Communications Coordinator.
Meeting details
“New directions in AI: formation of an IFLA Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence”
Dec. 6 at 4pm UTC / 5pm CET / 11am EST)
The introductions and presentations will begin at 4pm UTC / 5pm CET / 11am EST.
Discussion and polling for signatories to support the formation of the AI SIG will begin at 5pm UTC / 6pm CET / 12pm EST.
We hope you will join us to bring greater awareness and participation in AI in libraries and the IFLA community.