The ISBD consolidated edition (2011) is positioned as a core standard for universal bibliographic control. The representation of the ISBD in the W3C Resource Description Framework (RDF) standard enables its use as Linked Open Data (LOD), and enhances developments of Semantic Web bibliographic tools and services.

The objective of the ISBD Linked Data Study Group is to promote interoperability and foster the reuse/retrieval of bibliographic data in the Semantic Web. Through the ISBD Linked Data Study Group’s activities and research work, the ISBD Review Group allows libraries that use the ISBD standard and/or cataloguing rules based on ISBD, to publish their bibliographic data as LOD. The ISBD Linked Data Study Group’s main activities are devoted to maintaining the ISBD namespace, liaising the ISBD with the Semantic Web community, and to creating mappings and alignments with other bibliographic standards.

The ISBD Linked Data Study Group has its origins in the ISBD/XML Study Group that was formed during the IFLA WLIC 2008 in Quebec. The ISBD/XML Study Group was created by the IFLA Cataloguing Section’s ISBD Review Group, following the recommendations from the ISBD Review Group’s Material Designation Study Group to develop an XML Schema for the ISBD. The change of name to ISBD Linked Data Study Group was approved by the ISBD Review Group and the Cataloguing Section’s Standing Committee during the IFLA WLIC 2013 in Singapore. The new name represents more appropriately the objective and current tasks of the Study Group.

Publications – Minutes, Agenda and Reports – Roster – Articles about the ISBD LD SG – Previous projects


The IFLA ISBD Vocabularies:

ISBD Element sets

The ISBD element set is a registration of classes and properties from International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD), consolidated edition, published by De Gruyter Saur in July 2011 (ISBN 978-3-11-026379-4).

The ISBD element set is a registration of classes and properties from International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD), consolidated edition, published by De Gruyter Saur in July 2011 (ISBN 978-3-11-026379-4). This version has the same local URI part, label, and definition as each element in the constrained version, but no domain (i.e. Resource) or range is declared.

ISBD Vocabularies

The ISBD element set vocabulary includes RDF classes and properties corresponding to ISBD elements. Six concept vocabularies give the controlled terminologies of the ISBD area 0 content forms, qualifications, and media types. Each class, concept, and property has a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for use in Semantic Web data triples.

Related documents:

ISBD Application Profile:

ISBD Description Set Profile. Version 4.0 by IFLA Linked Data Study Group (August 2015) (xml file compressed)

ISBD Alignments:

ISBD Maps:



Report of the Task group for the analysis of the alignment and impact of IFLA LRM on ISBD


Meeting Agendas

Activities Reports


Boris Bosančić (2008-2009)

Lynne Howarth (2013-2015)

Articles about ISBD LD SG

Previous projects