IFLA Briefing on Voluntary National Reviews
A key pillar of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda, alongside the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals, is an ongoing review of implementation. Central to this is the process of Voluntary National R​eviews, where Member States submit and prevent reports on their progress in delivering on their commitments.
These reviews, at best, provide an excellent opportunity not only to understand how countries are doing (in particular on key SDGs for libraries, such as 4 (education), 9 (infrastructure and innovation), 11 (sustainable cities and communities), and 16 (access to information), but also for libraries to build connections and reputation by engaging in the drafting process.
This updated IFLA guide for 2020 offers a description of what Voluntary National Reviews are, and how they should be put together, alongside hints for libraries in how to get involved.
Download the 2022 briefing below. See also our monthly guide for libraries looking to engage in VNRs in 2022.
SDG Voluntary National Reviews: What they are and why should libraries engage
Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) are a way for UN Member States to report on national progress towards the SDGs. They should be prepared in consultation with all actors, including civil society (and so libraries). They are an opportunity for libraries to highlight their contribution to development ...