Introduction by the Chair
Reading and listening to stories is as important as ever – especially if you are confined to your home.
We wanted to know how librarians serving children and young adults are reaching their patrons during the coronavirus pandemic and asked our Standing Committee members to let us know. Here are their reports. With this newsletter we want to highlight some very fine examples of library services to children and young adults from around the world. Check out the links in the short articles and the longer reports and let yourself be inspired by the creativity and engagement of your fellow librarians.
Issues like Copyright Rules can be challenging in communicating new literature for children and young people digitally. As librarians we respect copyright, and we work within the rules. Librarians are creative and we share good solutions and ideas for the benefit of our users.
From all of us working in libraries all around the world: Be safe! We miss you and can’t wait to see you back in the library!
Jorun Systad
Chair IFLA “Libraries for Children and Young Adults” Section