Following on the successful 2020 survey of pandemic impact and responses in parliamentary library and research services, IFLAPARL has launched a new survey to update our shared knowledge. This is an opportunity for parliamentary libraries and reserarch services to share their experiences – in confidence, as the survey report presents only anonymised information – to the benefit of the entire professional community. The results will be published in September. Services that wish to present their particular experiences may have the opportunity to do so at a virtual event hosted by  the Interparliamentary Union (IPU) in September/October. This will be similar to the very successful events held by IFLAPARL in December 2020 and the parliamentary libraries of Latin America and the Caribbean on April 29, 2021.

The survey

All parliamentary library and research services are encouraged to respond. It is not necessary to have participated in the 2020 survey to complete this one. It is not necessary to be a member of IFLAPARL.

It should take no more than fifteen minutes to complete.

As in 2020, the survey responses will remain confidential (seen only by the Chair of IFLAPARL) and will be reported only in anonymised form. You can share problems or failures as well as successes without attribution.

The survey is on Google Forms and can be found at this link.


The survey is open now and will remain open to 30 June 2021.

You may edit your response after submission, up to the closure of the survey.