Membership at this level is limited to associations with a national focus, which means that they have members from anywhere in their country and that they support the profession throughout their country. This category also includes subject-specialist associations which operate nationally.


The overview below shows the band structure for this category. The operating expenses of your association are necessary to determine the amount of votes and consequently the fee. Section registrations will vary according to the band established.

IFLA band structure for National Association members
Operating expenses (in Euros) Band Votes Annual Fee (Euros) Free Sections*
less than 10,000 12 10 265 2
10,000–25,000 11 10 288 2
25,000–50,000 10 10 390 2
50,000–100,000 9 20 848 4
100,000–250,000 8 20 1303 4
250,000–500,000 7 20 2609 4
500,000–750,000 6 30 3910 8
750,000–1,000,000 5 30 6519 8
1,000,000–3,000,000 4 30 9126 8
3,000,000–7,000,000 3 40 13038 16
7,000,000–10,000,000 2 40 19554 16
more than 10,000,000 1 40 26073 16

* In addition to free Section registration, all association members will automatically be registered for the Management of Library Associations Section and, if applicable, to the appropriate Regional Activities Section (Africa, Asia & Oceania, or Latin America & the Caribbean).

Please contact the Membership Officer at IFLA Headquarters if you have any further questions.

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