2023 IFLA PressReader International Marketing Award
03 November 2022
Win €3,000 towards travel costs to the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in 2023! The IFLA Section on Management and Marketing is pleased to continue its partnership with PressReader for this year’s IFLA PressReader International Library Marketing Award. The award is given to the library that best implements creative, results-oriented marketing projects or campaigns.
“As the sponsor of this award, we at PressReader are always blown away by the creativity of libraries and their marketing teams, and I’m sure this year will be no different,” says James Fairbotham, Senior Area Manager. “Despite often working within tight budgetary constraints — to say nothing of the many other challenges of the past couple of years — libraries consistently demonstrate that they have no shortage of creative ways to serve their communities and market themselves.”
Three finalists are selected based on innovative contributions to marketing in the library field. The winning libraries will receive funds towards airfare, lodging, and registration to attend the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in August 2023. First place receives €3,000, second €2,000, and third €1,500. The award also honors the top 10 submissions with certificates of recognition and a Premium PressReader account.
“Since its beginning, this award has recognized and will keep recognizing inspiring and innovative marketing campaigns from all over the world — the impact of which goes far beyond the library world. We are really looking forward to this year’s submissions,” says IFLA Management and Marketing Chair Anya Feltreuter.
Applications will be accepted through 20 January 2023 at iflapressreader2023.org, where you can also find more information about submission and award criteria.