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47 items

Inclusive subject terms are critical for equitable access to library materials

19 March 2024

    Subject metadata forms a critical access point in bibliographic and other information systems, providing access through search terms and browsing or filtering through subject links. Typically, libraries use standardized knowledge organization systems to provide better access to information resources. However, many of these standardized systems are problematic because they include outdated, harmful, exclusionary, or critical terms may not be present at all in thesauri or vocabularies. Problematic terms can negatively impact library users of all kinds. There is an increasing recognition of the need for more equitable and inclusive language subject metadata. The Subject Analysis and Access Section (SAA) has taken up several initiatives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion regarding subject access.

    CFP: Identifiers for identities: Rectifying the (mis)representation of demographic groups (SAA Open Session at WLIC 2023)

    13 April 2023

      The IFLA Subject Analysis and Access (SAA) Section is seeking proposals for papers to be presented at their Open Session at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2023 in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Theme: "Identifiers for identities: Rectifying the (mis)representation of demographic groups". The Deadline for proposal submissions (300-500 words) is 1 May 2023.

      Partners in Metadata

      20 February 2023

        In alignment with our February newsletter theme, partnerships, we explore the relationship between IFLA’s metadata Sections - Bibliography (BIB), Cataloguing (CAT),  and Subject Analysis and Access (SAA) - how these IFLA sections are related and work together, and how their work intersects with the work of IFLA’s Review Groups: Bibliographic Conceptual Models (BCM), ISBD, LIDATEC, and UNIMARC. We also highlight their individual Section projects, which contribute globally to the area of the bibliographic universe.

        Where Do We Meet? Perspectives from Software Developers and Subject Specialists on Creating Machine Learning Projects - Webinar presentations are published!

        6 January 2023

          The IFLA Subject Analysis and Access Section’s Working Group on Automated Indexing organized the webinar titled "Where Do We Meet? Perspectives from Software Developers and Subject Specialists on Creating Machine Learning Projects" on November 9, 2022. Presentation slides are now available.

          [Webinar announcement] Where Do We Meet? Perspectives from Software Developers and Subject Specialists on Creating Machine Learning Projects

          23 July 2022

            The IFLA Subject Analysis and Access Section’s Working Group on Automated Indexing is organizing the webinar titled "Where Do We Meet? Perspectives from Software Developers and Subject Specialists on Creating Machine Learning Projects". Webinar will be organized on Wednesday, Nov 9, 2022, 14:00 - 18:00 CET.