IFLA Governing Board meeting report, 17 April 2023
28 April 2023
IFLA Governing Board meeting report, 17 April 2023
IFLA’s Governing Board met online on 17 April 2023 to continue its work delivering on the Plan for Securing IFLA’s Future.
At the meeting, the following decisions were taken and the following actions agreed upon:
- The Governing Board noted the update to the Plan for Securing IFLA’s Future and welcomed the forthcoming publication of IFLA’s Handbook containing further operational details for volunteers. The Handbook will be posted to the IFLA website in early May.
- A decision was taken to extend the deadline for the nominations for the position of the IFLA Parliamentarian – the final decision for an appointment will be made in June.
- The Governing Board advanced the Risk Register which details the risks IFLA faces. The Finance and Risk Committee will monitor the Risk Register and regular updates will be provided to the Governing Board.
- The successful conduct of IFLA’s elections was noted and the Governing Board decided to publish the full results for IFLA’s Sections alongside those for the Governing Board and other committees on 1 May 2023. Decisions about Advisory Committee membership will be made in June.
- The Governing Board reviewed the first draft of IFLA’s Annual Report 2022, as well as an induction manual for the next Governing Board.
- The Governing Board approved the current version of the School Library Manifesto as an IFLA document, while noting that UNESCO approval may lead to further changes.
- The Governing Board noted that IFLA’s performance is in line with its forecast budget for the quarter and agreed to share the report with IFLA’s membership.
- The Governing Board agreed to hold WLIC 2025 in person, with bids welcome from around the world. A call will be issued in May 2023.
- Deliberations were held on the bids and venue for WLIC 2024 – this will be announced in due course with the focus now being on the success of WLIC 2023 in Rotterdam and its physical and hybrid formats.
- The Governing Board approved new members of the Advisory Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters. It also decided to establish a Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa and approved a timeframe for the process of renewing current Regional Offices.
You will see the results of these decisions in the coming weeks and months. Stay tuned to IFLA channels – the website, IFLA-L and social media.
Barbara Lison, IFLA President on behalf of the IFLA Governing Board.