​IFLA Global Vision Regional Workshop Europe


The IFLA Global Vision Regional Workshop arrived in Paris, France on 14 – 16 May for Europe’s turn to generate their ideas for actions and what a wealth of ideas there were!

The Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, traditionally a crossroads for cultures and ideas, became a hub of stories, inspiration, and energy for the library field. Participants representing 36 European countries and all library types, with a combined experience of 1063 years in the field, explored the highlights and opportunities from the IFLA Global Vision Report Summary and how these can be turned into actions.   

Over three days of inspiring presentations, creativity and dialogue, participants focused on one overarching goal: to create a strong and globally united library field powering literate informed and participative societies. Europe’s librarians underlined their pride in the service and support they offer, and their desire to do more to ensure that all of the region’s inhabitants have the best possibilities to learn, earn, innovate and create, and can look to the future with optimism. 

The Deputy Head of the Libraries Department at the French Culture Ministry, Valérie Bouissou, who welcomed participants to Paris, strongly commended IFLA on its approach. At a time that the French government itself is reviewing library policy, they drew inspiration from IFLA’s Global Vision. 

Strong advocates at all levels

IFLA Secretary General Gerald Leitner

Europe is unique in its political structures. As such, it poses particular challenges, and opportunities, for advocacy. For libraries to get the laws they need best to serve their users, action – and collaboration – is necessary at all levels. As opportunity 5 of the Global Vision report sets out: every librarian an advocate.

With many participants involved in engagement on the ongoing copyright reform in the European Union, there were rich ideas for actions which would draw on the key strengths of libraries – our numbers, our passion, and our dedication. As Gerald Leitner, IFLA Secretary General underlined:

Success in the copyright reform can only be achieved through strong partnership between IFLA, library associations and librarians from all European countries.” 


IFLA President Gloria Perez Salmeron

Such great participation was inspiring for IFLA President Glòria Pérez-Salmerón: 

Every day I am inspired when I hear from our colleagues the great work librarians are doing. Just imagine what more we will achieve collectively when all our ideas for actions are combined.”     

Impressed by the participants’ passion, Gerald Leitner said:

“It is phenomenal to hear such positive stories from so many European countries. This sends a strong and united message to beyond the library community that advocacy and collaboration are key to achieving a global vision. Thank you, Europe, for bringing your collaborative spirit to Paris and contributing to our goal to create the biggest ideas store!”

Global Vision now says “Xin Chào!” as it wings its way to Hanoi, Vietnam on 23 – 25 May for our Asia and Oceania Regional Workshop.     

View all photos from Europe’s Regional Workshop in our Flickr album