Highlights of M&M Section Meetings in Gothenburg
20 August 2010
1) 2011 Mid Year Meeting
Antonia Arahova confirmed her proposal to host us in Athens.
Dates: Friday 25 – Sunday 27 February 2011 (+ Thursday 24 for Award jury)
Friday 25 February
- morning: Standing committee meeting
- afternoon: library visit
- Saturday 26 February: standing committee meeting
- Sunday 27 February morning: museum visit
2) Information strategy
Christie Koontz very kindly accepted to be our web editor/information
coordinator. Our section was the last one without a web editor! She will
be assisted by David-George Picard, and Claire Lebreton, a colleague
from Bibliothèque publique d’information (Paris).
We decided to resume a regular publication of the Newsletter (2 issues a
year: February and August). Please send Christie information on what’s
going on in your country to make the Newsletter attractive to potential
3) Updated strategic plan
After a very productive working dinner, we produced a draft updated strategic plan (you should have received it)
Please send your comments and suggestions to the list by 15 September.
IFLA has produced a new strategic plan 2010-2015: we are suppsoed to
identify up to 3 actions based on the IFLA priority activities by October.
4) Session in 2011 (San Juan)
Proposed topic: "Vision 2020: innovative policies and tools"
Scientific committee:
Grace Saw (coordinator)
Madeleine Lefebvre
Judith Broady-Preston
Academic libraries section is interested to partner with us
5) Satellite meeting in 2012
Proposed topic: " Library’s efficiency, impact and outcomes:
statistical analyses and other methods as tools for management and
decision making" (title to be confirmed)
Venue: Turku, Finland
Date: 9– 10.8.2012 (One day seminar, get together party the evening before)
Co-sponsors: Management and Marketing, Statistics and Evaluation and Academic and Research Libraries Sections
Main organizer: Markku Laitinen, Planning Officer, National Library of Finland.
Organizing group in Finland: Päivi Kytömäki, Oulu University; Jarmo
Saarti, UEF Kuopio; Kristiina Hormia-Poutanen, National Library; Ulla
Nygrén, Turku University
6) Other Meetings
Réjean Savard will organize a satellite
meeting in Martinique in 2011: Francophony, libraries and sustainable
development 10-12 August 2011 (with IAFBD and PAC)
7) Elections in 2011
2011 is election year at IFLA.
10 of us will end our first term in 2011: Shu Fang, Ken Haycock,
Christie Koontz, Päivi Kytömäki, Ludmila Zaytseva, Lena Olsson, Réjean
Savard, Grace Saw, Ruth Wuest, Raymond Bérard
3 of us will end their second and last term: Dinesh Gupta, Trine Kolderup Flaten, Steffen Wawra
Calls for candidates by IFLA HQ: October 2010. We must find potential
candiadates for the 3 vacant positions. (hoping that those who end their
first term will stand for election!)
Hannelore Rader retired in December 2009 and will have to be replaced
8) Other news
- The Stockolm pre-conference (chair of scientific committee:
Réjean Savard; chair of local organization: Eva Enarson) was a great
success: excellent speakers (all presentations to be posted on web
site) and attendance (70+) - Session in Göteborg on "reconstructing libraries in challenging times": excellent speakers. 400 attended
- Session "Towards national library strategy: opening up access to research": 250 attended. Good speakers & (6 1/2 hours!).
We discussed limiting these multilateral joint sessions because it
requires extended communication and focus. The high number of involved
people is also more difficult to manage.
Best wishes,
Raymond Berard, chair
Steffen Wawra, secretary