IFLA 2017 Wroclaw Libraries. Solidarity. Society – SIG Library History session Sunday, 20 August 2017.
03 September 2017
I have to confess that when I arrived at the Centennial Hall at the conference venue in Wroclaw and saw the venue for our session, I did wonder if perhaps it was a little large. The SIG Library History's session on Libraries in times of crisis: historical perspectives was early in the conference programme and was well attended as these photos will tell, with all presenters giving their different and at times harrowing but inspirational stories. There is so much that libraries can do in times of crisis. And a big thank you to the speakers for giving their presentations in good time so that there was space for some questions. From the feedback I had after the session, and even during the remainder of the conference, it would seem that the session was much appreciated.
I would also again like to thank the "Committee" who assisted me through emails in the preparation of the session. And now I have even more contacts to add to the SIG "Committee" as colleagues left their email address with me after the 2017 SIG Library History session – you will hear from me soon.
The IFLA conference is always a great experience for me and well worth the hours of travel, and cost, it usually entails – But IFLA 2018 in Kuala Lumpur will be a different story in this regard as it is a bit closer to my home city. The planning for a SIG Library History session at IFLA 2018 will be underway very soon and I will keep you posted.
Dr Kerry Smith | Convenor, SIG Library History.
SIG Library History Speakers and Session Convenor (L to R): Hibaq Nur, Marek Sroka, Andrea Gyuricza, Iyra Buenrostro, Parisa Paysar, Kerry Smith, Johann Frederick Cabbab.
Attendees at the SIG Library History Session