IFLA 2018 Kuala Lumpur. SIG Library History Session held on Sunday, 26 August 2018
03 October 2018
SIG Library History Session on Transform Libraries, Transform Societies: Library Outreach to Marginalized Populations – Historical Perspectives.
The SIG Library History’s session at IFLA Kuala Lumpur was again early in the conference programme and it would seem that each year the number of competitive meetings and sessions increases. Yet the session was well attended and it was very interesting to have presenters from different parts of the world telling very different stories about outreach to marginalised populations over time with stories from the USA, Chile, China and Singapore delivered. Unfortunately our colleague from Zimbabwe was unable to be with us. Again our grateful thanks to the speakers for giving their presentations in good time so that there was space for some questions. From the feedback I’ve had, it would seem that the session was much appreciated.
I would also again like to thank the "Committee" who assisted me through emails in the preparation of the session. It was lovely to catch up with two of them at the conference: Christy Zlatos and Parisa Pasyar, with Parisa also presenting a poster and being a conference volunteer.
And like other IFLA SIGs, Library History was recently reviewed by the IFLA Professional Committee and I was advised at the conference that the SIG has been given the go ahead for another 3 years.
The IFLA conference is always a great experience for me as it gives me the opportunity to experience life in other cities and countries, to meet colleagues from all parts of the world, and this time it was close to home, something that does not happen very often. The planning for a SIG Library History session at IFLA 2019 will be underway very soon and I will keep you posted.
Dr Kerry Smith, FALIA, AM
Convenor, IFLA Library History SIG
Left to right: Sam Eddington (USA), Miguel Ángel Rivera Donoso (Chile), Kerry Smith (SIG Convenor – Australia), Lei Wang (China), and Brendan Luyt (Singapore)
A Glimpse of WLIC2018 Delegates Attending the Session